%0 Generic %T Towards real-time accurate safety helmets detection through a deep learning-based method %A Roger Max Calle Quispe %A Maya Aghaei Gavari %A Eduardo Aguilar Torres %D 2023 %F Roger Max Calle Quispe2023 %O MILAB %O exported from refbase (, last updated on Mon, 20 Nov 2023 12:09:22 +0100 %X Occupational safety is a fundamental activity in industries and revolves around the management of the necessary controls that must be present to mitigate occupational risks. These controls include verifying the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Within PPE, safety helmets are vital to reducing severe or fatal consequences caused by head injuries. This problem has been addressed recently by various research based on deep learning to detect the usage of safety helmets by the present people in the industrial field.These works have achieved promising results for safety helmet detection using object detection methods from the YOLO family. In this work, we propose to analyze the performance of Scaled-YOLOv4, a novel model of the YOLO family that has yet to be previously studied for this problem. The performance of the Scaled-YOLOv4 is evaluated on two public databases, carefully selected among the previously proposed datasets for the occupational safety framework. We demonstrate the superiority of Scaled-YOLOv4 in terms of mAP and Fl-score concerning the previous works for both databases. Further, we summarize the currently available datasets for safety helmet detection purposes and discuss their suitability. %U http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/s0718-33052023000100212